Nov 14, 2021 12:01
There's a lot to be said for situational awareness in your own home. You know the noises it is supposed to make, and the noises it is not. And we prioritize these in our heads. Take, for example, this morning. I started a new loaf in the breadmaker, trying multigrain, which is a wheat bread with oatmeal. I subbed some of the oatmeal for sunflower seeds, for a bit of nice crunch. But, being grainy, it's going to be heavier, and it's going to knead more than the basic white I made yesterday. So. It is making the noise it makes when it kneads the dough. I sit down with my breakfast and coffee, and get into an episode of Gutfeld that I had started. Since I'm focusing on this, the breadmaker noise goes into the back of my mind; I'm aware that there is noise in the kitchen, but I'm no longer focusing on it. Until I hear a thud and a crash. And I knew instantly what it was. Now, this is the interesting part, because it could have been any number of different things. A cat could have knocked something over, either in the kitchen or the basement. The belt could have taken a shit on the washer or dryer, causing the drum to drop. Or maybe the breadmaker took a swan dive off the counter and hit the floor... Well, even though I have used this breadmaker for a sum total of two days, I instantly knew that was the case. It wasn't moving around yesterday, and I hadn't noticed it doing so today. But I just knew, and sure enough, there it was... It seems unscathed, the lid was a little twisted out of kilter, but I seem to have gotten that straightened out, and upon plugging it back in, it resumed cycle. The dough, while on the floor, well, five-second rule, there was nothing on it when I picked it up, and it's getting baked anyway, so yeah... Now, why would I instantly go to "breadmaker just did a backflip off the counter"? I don't know, but I did, and I was right. And that sort of thing happens all the time, we just know the sounds we are supposed to be surrounded with. and our brain-goo does a pretty good job of filling in the blanks when something goes amiss.
I got up early, as I really do try to on the weekends. It's two-fold; usually, I have to pee, and the dog is also stirring, but I also am trying to get an earlier start on the day. The weekend goes by so fast, I mean, here it is Sunday already, and I swear I just left work last night. Waking up at 11, getting up and around by 3, and especially now, you get into your errands and chores, and the sun is down and it's time for sleep! So my alarm went off at 7:00, I got up at 7:30, it is now a quarter after 10, and while I have done some puttering around the house, I haven't taken a shower yet, just been kind of chilling. Thing is, I have to remind myself that that's OK. Perfectly OK. Because even though yesterday was a chill day, we need those more often than most, especially with the week we both had last week. But I'm sitting here in the headspace that I didn't DO anything yesterday, which is in fact as far from the truth as it could be. I made dinner, I made bread, I did laundry and dishes, I took out recycling, cleaned the catbox, paid bills and went through mail, I mean, I did all kinds of shit yesterday. And was called in for two overtime calls. Noon now, because I got called in for ANOTHER overtime call! But getting back to it, the idea that I can take a day off on the weekend, and just chill out, that is more than acceptable, shoot, it's necessary! Necessary and well-deserved. And incidentally, the breadmaker appears to indeed be just fine, because it is baking the loaf, should be done any minute actually. So I'm going to hop in the shower, and get my day going, as I need to go to the grocery store.