Drabble: Masquerade, Pansy Parkinson, Gen

May 16, 2009 17:09

Title: Masquerade
Character(s): Pansy Parkinson
Rating: G
Warning(s): None
Challenge(s): Masks at slytherin100
Word count: 100

We all have our masks. Some masks aren’t easy to recognise; they look immensely like the real thing: the face we try to conceal.

Pansy had several masks, and she used them frequently. A mask for the Slytherins, a mask for her parents, a mask for the rest of the world, and a mask for herself, used as an attempt to hide her disfigured shape from her own critical eyes. They saw everything. She was hideous beneath her masks, but she wouldn’t let the rest of the world see her ugliness - her weakness.

So she hid it. Even from herself.

type: gen, fandom: harry potter, drabble, character: pansy parkinson

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