A break? REALLY??? YEY!!!
I finally have a chance to sit down and think about nothing :) Do you know how nice that is? Sure, I mean we do have weekends off here at camp, BUT, every weekend I am spending loads of time getting signs ready for officers rooms, schedules ready for the counselors, and figuring out other logistical stuff so my job is easier on monday when the kiddos show up. However, we do not have a camp coming in next week so we FINALLY have a chance to just relax this weekend. I slept about 10 hours last night...which is almost double the amount of sleep I get on a normal night here at Hidden Falls.
Even with loads of sleepless nights, I still love this camp and the people here! Our staff is amazing. They are probably some of the funniest people I've ever met. Last night we had a farewell for Marcos and Lucy *insert sad face here* and Shawn brought in all his DJ equipment *insert happy face here* We all spent loads of time doing Karaoke, learning new dances, and just being dumb. Pictures are posted on facebook. Go look.
I think these sleepless nights are also making me sick. Last time I came down to camp I ended up with tonsilitis. I took some anti-biotics for it and that took care of it, but it's back again. My tonsils have been swollen for about a month and now they're starting to get white spots on them and actually hurt. Ugh..not good. But, at least we have a huge long break coming up and when I go home to Indy I'll be able to go to the doctor.
Moving on. This last week was the biggest week of campers in history at Hidden Falls. We had over 130 kids for the week and it was awesome. It was a blast with the little ones...but as soon as we get back from break, we take on my favorite age group: JUNIOR HIGH!!! I love that age~
I'm hoping sometime this weekend our band can get together and learn a few new songs, and perfect the ones we already have. We can only sing "Sweet home up in Heaven" so many times before it gets old. However, we are doing "Let it Rise" with an awesome funk beat...just need to work on a little.
Also, when we get back from break, I will have 2 new bosses. It's weird thinking that Marcos and Lucy won't be here at all for the rest of the summer. They'll be in Indy at Ft. Square and I will definitely miss them. However, I do like my new bosses. Carmen and I finally got to hang out with them on Thursday at the welcome party at DHQ. They seem very friendly, very cool, and really like camp so that was exciting to hear. We're looking forward to them coming.
and just for gits and shiggles....the Victory dance!
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