Dec 02, 2007 23:29
Time for a real blog.
my apartment is adorable. Rearranged all the furniture and now I have my little Christmas tree all decorated :) love it.
Also, I realized that I LOVE Christmas...but HATE winter. It's ridiculously windy outside...and i heard it snowed in Fort Fun tonight. not even ready for Fall...let alone winter. It's 37 degrees out, I miss California.
Anyway, this week was good. Work was slow (as it is this time of year for our department) but we got a ton of cleaning done. I think I threw out an entire box of obsolete ministry know, the ones where it says "hey, if you wear this pin, people will see it, ask what it is, then you can tell them about Jesus" and fun little tracks along with a "Jesus glove." Honestly, I can't stand crap like that. Give me the real stuff...not the watered down junk. So it's all gone, and the bookshelf is organized in a way where I can actually find books dealing with things I actually need to look up! Who would'a thunk it?
Also, last night I went to my first gay bar. My uncle and his man friend invited me out for a night to see their side of life. Not someplace I'd want to hang out all the time, but never the less, it was a fun night. I always enjoy hanging out with the 2 of them. Very interesting Lee tell's the greatest jokes ever.
Got to play with the camp band again today...well, Amber and Christian at least. Christian got a new electronic drum set that sounds awesome, and we learned David Crowder's "No one like you" and Kutless "Strong Tower." Great songs! Can't wait to play them at Central City in a couple weeks and then again at camp this summer! Plus, during the practice, I got to work on my beat's getting better...still can't hold a tempo very well though.
Umm, I think that's about it