(no subject)

Jan 07, 2008 14:54

ohhh, the puppy is darling and wonderful. she seems to be settling in okay so far, although she was not very well-trained by her previous owners, so we're sort of starting from scratch a little. we're doing okay on 'sit' so far.

she's getting spayed on Friday, which is slightly nerve-wracking because we're leaving town on Sunday and haven't figured out who's taking care of her yet. If we can find someone to stay in our apartment with her (from the 13-22, interested?) that would probably be ideal, but also her rescuers have agreed to take her back while we're gone if we can't find anyone else.

i am a dog owner now! it's kind of cool. she's a pretty dog, and once she's better on sidewalks, you can bet that she will be lovely for picking up ladies ;-)
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