
Jul 06, 2007 15:52

(to get the full effect of that subject, please imagine me waving my arms and making woo-ey noises.)

So today I'm wearing my new frogbra (a squishy squishy sports bra), boy pants, and a clingy girly t-shirt. I wondered, as I left, why I'd bother binding if the shirt I'm wearing just makes it look like I'm binding, rather than not having boobs or something. Of course, I love it when people get confused about pronouns &c., but I don't actually have any desire to pass as anything. I think i like binding not as a means to an end of passing or looking more male or whatever, but i like binding just to bind per se. I bind when i want to look like a person who binds.

Relatedly, i was talking recently with some good queer churchy folks about gender stuff, and later i was thinking, what if they asked me what pronouns i prefer? What would i say? And i decided my favorite/ideal pronoun situation would be for people to just sort of alternate, or pick one randomly. Confusing! Yay! But isn't that pretty much gender anyway, confusing and arbitrary? So yeah, whatever you feel like, either, both, neither... :-)

And the bus is lame!

flaming queer, gender

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