dorkpants (oh wait, i'm not wearing pants.)

Jun 28, 2007 23:52

I was biking downtown on monday after work, and my cell phone happened to fall out of my pocket in the middle of the intersection. It got run over by about 4 cars before I could get to it.

I managed to send and receive a few text messages (though the vibration stopped working right away) before it shat itself completely, but at this point I am the proud owner of a very elaborate pocket-sized alarm clock.

If one is a believer in those sorts of things, the fact that the iPhone is set to be released a mere 18 hours from now might raise some eyebrows. I'm not saying I'm necessarily going to run out and buy one, but let's just say I wasn't totally motivated to run out and replace my phone today.

My plan is to wait til Saturday. Morning. Either way, I need to go to AT&T and get a new phone. (when did they stop being cingular again, anyway?) So if they happen to have some iPhones left, and if they happen to be amazing... things might happen, that's all I'm saying. Mad hot kinky iPhone love cannot be contained.


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