sometimes i feel like dancing

Dec 05, 2006 23:46

So I have this paper. "What is Christianity?" in 10 pages. Needless to say, I've been kind of stressed about it -- it seems like the sort of thing that should either be 1-2 pages, or like a thesis. I was working on it this afternoon, and got to a point where I couldn't make myself do any more, so I went to Pilates.

After my meeting later, I was just about ready to pass out, so I headed home. I thought I'd walk a little bit to clear my head, so I headed down 123rd because I don't usually walk that way. At some point I came to St. Luke's Baptist Church, which has a neon sign and a giant neon cross, and I had to pull out my camera. I had been thinking about probably using some pictures in my paper already, but I only had a few that I thought would really work well. So I decided to walk all the way (only about 2 miles) and take pictures of churches. Now this is Harlem, you know, so there's at least one Baptist church on every block, and plenty of others, too.

My hands were freezing, my legs were tired, my stomach was freaking out, but I was peaceful and centered for the first time in ages. The stillness and calm of a city at night has always been like church for me, with human life just paused for a moment. It's my favorite time to take pictures, because it's the time when I naturally stop and notice details. [I was walking down the hill on west 123rd and passed a tiny alley between two buildings, a narrow flat place stuck through these weird angles of walls and ground. There was a man in it, digging through trash.]

I feel a lot better about this paper. And life.

nyc, photo

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