thinking out loud, as it were

Nov 11, 2006 00:54

as i've said to some of you, i'm really chafing against the lack of a truly post-modern queer theology. (at least there aren't any i'm aware of.) so ultimately, i'm planning to write one -- but for the moment, i need to stop distracting myself with that long enough to write an 8-page research paper for my theology class.

(this is really frustrating, because there's so much i want to write RIGHT NOW but don't have time to, and i have to pick a topic that's narrow enough to come up with a decent 8-page paper.)

several years ago, i stumbled upon Gloria Anzaldúa's work, specifically Borderlands/La Frontera (which has become one of my personal scriptures, those books i turn to for emotional/spiritual/intellectual validation [sometime i should make a list], and you should all read it). She has a chapter on the Mestiza Consciousness which has some really powerful frameworks for "where do we go from here?" that have always really appealed to me in their multi-racial/cultural/sexual/linguistic sensibilities. a lot of that is based in her embracing and reclaiming of her indian/mexican roots and embracing a holistic, earth-conscious spirituality, which she describes really powerfully.

it strikes me that there's a lot of similarity with Audre Lorde's and Carter Heyward's ideas about the erotic, tapping into the most true and elemental parts of ourselves in order to live in right relation with one another. so i want to tie that together, along with the properly queer ideas of belonging to none of these well-defined identity groups and existing between and within them. there's also a great article we read by (somebody) Lee about a new minority consciousness that I want to work in somehow, and hopefully also some of Gutmann's research on masculinity in mexico city that i really like.

oh, there is so much i want to write about. tomorrow, to the library.

super swanky, mestiza

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