Remains of Cox: the life and memoirs of Melville Beveredge Cox

Oct 09, 2006 22:27

Notwithstanding the everpresent stress, stuff is good!

My weekend with refuz was awesome, i gave him a bit of a tour of places i like in the city, and we did a bit of exploring on our own. We had a super nice dinner at Quintessence (which apparently has a newish location up relatively close to my school), which was a reminder/revelation that raw food can be really good, and i enjoy it sometimes. And then last night we found a great little pizza/Italian place, which is basically your typical hole in the wall "you can get a slice to go, or sit and order pasta or something" kind of place, except that everything's vegetarian and organic, with a ton of vegan options. In fact right before we left to go there, my friends were cooking some penne a la vodka, and i was bemoaning the non-veganness of it, and then LO, their menu featured vodka sauce with the choice of soy milk or dairy milk. WHAT. And then we found a great little pub also (and i was randomly on a radio show in Dublin?) and it was good.

Because my school doesn't support the slaughter of Indians, but does in fact support vacation, our classes on thursday are cancelled and Marcus Borg is coming and giving a couple lectures. This is really exciting, because it means tomorrow is the only day I have class all week, and therefore have time to catch up on reading, and maybe even some time to do art as well. !! Also Marcus Borg is coming, and that is NEAT, and i volunteered to take photos for (i'm trying to find a better phrase, but no...) the school paper.

And, catherinejulian is in the city for the week with her job, and we will do crazyfun vegan things together. it will be madness.

And my job is fun, because I get to play with old books. yes. i'm working on the missionary collection, which is all pre-1860, so that means some wonderful falling-apart books, and also some wonderful quotes like "Boodhism is a superstition which enslaves approximately one third of the human race." i heart christianity, i do.

food, union, boy

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