Aug 17, 2004 22:11
no...really, i am completly in love with my new computer..his name is Krol. I just can't help it. Although, it is a little difficult to get used to. Ya know, different keyboard, the mouse thing is a little hard to get used to. But oh well, I am sure that in time I'll grow accustomed.
Today was a good day, of course. Woke up wayyyy early this morning to go with Dad to get Krol, and then we went to the bank and to Lowe's. He almost left me there, not cool. Then right when I got home, I had to run to Wal-Mart and the dry cleaners, and to get lunch for me and daddy. Then I spent the afternoon playing with Krol. That was a lot of fun.
Right now I am sitting here watching Sex and the City. I am kinda bored. Although I do have a fairly busy day tomorrow. Getting my hair cut at 12:30. And then off to the doctor. That should be fun. Not really. And then, YAY for sailing on the Colin Fannon boat. Fun times are to be had. That is something that I am definatly looking forward to. Since I didn't get to go last week.
Anyways, I am really starting to be really super excited about going away to school. Like really. One week as of tomorrow. Yay for me.
Anyways, I'm off to play around with Krol for some more.