Jan 17, 2008 06:37
So I realize I'm a little over 2 weeks late on this, but these are my...not resolutions, but goals(?) for the year.
I'm starting the year off with good vibes in my house, some newfound single-dom, and a little bit of perspective.
I've decided to transfer next year, so my IU-related goals are:
1. To get my GPA up. Like way up.
2. To not fall dangerously, hopelessly behind in my readings like I have the last 3 semesters
3. To actually have some fun this semester. Last semester I was an anti-social hermit for the most part and I think that played a role in making it suck.
4. To make sure my professors know me (for good reasons) so I can get recommendations from them sometime in the future.
General life goals:
1. Improve my body image. Whether that be by eating differently, working out as much as I can stand, or just telling myself daily that I'm not hideous and obese.
2. Learn how to take a compliment.
3. Get more organized
4. Update at least once a week, if only to babble for a couple sentences or paragraphs.
5. Read. read read read
6. Look in to culinary school
7. Start saving money
i can do it!