Things I've Learned in College:

May 16, 2008 17:31

* It is not a good idea to procrastinate, but I'm going to do it anyway (and still pull off a decent grade, surprisingly enough!).

* There is a ridiculously huge difference between 18 and 20 credits.

* Just because you're older does not mean you're mature.

* Jane Austen was very talented and wrote more than the same plot over and over again.

* If you have to walk on eggshells around a person all the time, they really aren't worth the stress.

* Actions speak louder than words. The people who really want to hang out with you will actually do it rather than say it all the time.

* People both change and stay the same.

* Life is not and never will be fair, but everyone wants it to be anyway.

* Niccolo Machiavelli had a long, healthy marriage with many children.

* English Majors use Sparknotes more than we care to admit.

* Apples to Apples is the best game ever.

* Love cannot conquer all, but it can sure do a lot!

* Intentions are not nearly as important as results are.

* Putting myself first is not nearly as selfish as it used to sound.

* There is no one right way to do anything (even math and science to a lesser extent).

* Free time means more to me than any honor I can receive.

* Nothing worth doing is ever easy at first.

* Professor Hala can play a mean lyre.

* I am not anyone's emotional punching bag. Not anymore.

* It is possible to outgrow guilt.

* Having a Master's/PhD. isn't a guarantee for success unless you also have common sense and good manners.

* I've changed more than I ever thought I would, and I probably still will long after this. :)
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