Dec 10, 2013 22:39
Went back tonight and had a wee ride on Charlie. Much better. C was off for a hack with the neighbour's daughter as I arrived. However another neighbour's daughter was hanging about being inquisitive "Is Charlie your horse?" What days do you ride Charlie?" etc. She was all of four. Anyways got Charlie trotting in circles (although he kept trying to go and get cuddles from said four year old), and we started to understand each other a little. As C said "You just have to figure out his buttons." Lengthening my stirrups definitely helped, I have to get over the jockey fetish I had in the early 90's thanks to a BBC show called 'Trainer'. Had him doing some quite nice stuff in the end, but can hardly walk now! Just have to keep at it!
Also have enrolled in a natural horsemanship course thingybop being held in February just over the road, not the hardcore stuff (which I don't agree with on all levels), just the understanding your horse type stuff. A chick from the shop has also enrolled, so I'll know someone at least. Chick from the shop couldn't believe my first proper ride in 15 years included cantering and jumping, I never thought about it from that angle, if I'm on a horse I'll ride it, but damn my legs are paying for it!
Jodhpurs. They used to be the evil garment I had to wear to shows. No longer, it seems. I purchased four pairs of pre-loved jodhs for the princely sum of $25 (Oh Trademe, how I love thee), and two of the pairs are black, stretchy type numbers. It's like they are riding trackpants. Big shout out to Dublin. I can muck out and ride in these babies, and they wash up a treat. And the other two pairs are beige sticky bums so if I ever get to a show I'm partially outfitted.
And of course I went and gave my mare a carrot and a snuggle. Friday night is looking like the night of mounting (I'm off work and C will be around), and I'll lunge her tomorrow with tack on again.
Charlie is going back to town on Friday, so C wants to put me up on Joe (chestnut TB gelding), as she thinks I've done so well with Charlie?????????