busy busy

Feb 19, 2011 14:17

Sorry for the complete lack of posts lately. I suck! I've been so swamped this past week in lab and I had to give a presentation in one of my classes :/ And this was also our second (and final, thank goodness) recruiting weekend so I was also running around showing the recruits a good time in Philly and at Penn :) Not much to report, anyhow. Because of all this craziness I haven't made it to the gym in AGES. I feel so fat and lazy. Booooooo. Maybe tomorrow after shopping I will go for a lovely run!

Ohhhhhh, and speaking of running I've convinced some of the girls in my program to sign up for and run a 5k for breast cancer in Philly in May!!! I'm so excited!!! This will definitely force me to get my ass in gear if I have to get in shape and train for a race! It's my first time doing a charity RUN...I've done many walks and team things but never a run so I'm interested to see how this one goes! It's a small race, only 1200 or so participants allowed. :D

Today I got the best free brunch OF MY LIFE at Marathon Bar and Grille in West Philly with the recruits! The croissant sandwich came with home fries and had apple smoked bacon, eggs, and fried apples on it yummmmmmmy :) In about an hour I'm leaving to hop on a train to New Brunswick to meet up with my friend UMass that I worked with and we are going out for dinner and then to see comedian Dave Attell...I'm so excited to see her it's been like 3 or 4 months! Then tomorrow is shopping for red tank tops for enemytosleep 's and my cosplay outfits! We are going as Liz and Patti Thompson from Soul Eater to Zenkaikon!!!! Ahhhh my first anime con! SO glad I get to go with my sister and cosplay with her :) Especially since Todd Haberkorn is going to be there!!! XD

Philly is really starting to grow on me this semester. Now that I've completely cut my ex out of my life I'm making some really awesome friends and going out and enjoying the city so much more! The dining in Philadelphia is superb and city life is starting to feel more normal. I also think I've decided that I'm going to stick this out and get the Ph. D instead of mastering out. I need some time away from MA to figure things out and network and meet new people. 5-6 years sounds like a long time when I think about being in school but then I think that I'm going to be working for the rest of my life, I'd like to take 5-6 more years and be a "student" and work hard btu get to play hard too ;) Love Penn Pharm!
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