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Dec 05, 2006 00:07

If I stay up late enough, maybe something will happen.

I took part of the AP Physics test tonight. I felt I needed the practice, so I looked up practice problems on the internet, and then after a while I started thinking "these seem really familiar" and then I realized that it was the test I took.

I skipped the second half of the thermodynamics problem.

And then I rubbed my nipples.


I have 5 engagements left this semester.

My life is going to be painfully dull for the next week.

I've been hungry lately.

This is the worst livejournal entry I've ever actually considered posting.

Do you think I need to spice it up with some saucy comments on zoophilia?

My roommate got chlamydia from a koala bear.

"Oh, Brian...your ears are so soft...they're like puppy ears.."

It was kind of like that...

What if the world stopped being ironic?

Wouldn't that be strange?

No more irony.

I'm never changing my livejournal icon.


Snomagraphicalogical Dietaricology...yeah...with one of those nice lemon slices on the rim of the cup...that'd just be perfect...
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