Sep 27, 2006 20:48
Preface: This is not supposed to make me look high-maintenance or haughty. Some expectations which I hold for guys I date that I have never honestly followed before. I think I should start now.
1> Ya gots ta be a CHRISTIAN! Yes, por supuestro OF COURSE! Major biggie here. If you don't love my God, you can't love at all. He's important to me. And I don't mean "Oh, yea well I go to church and stuff." That doesn't cut it. I don't even really go to church. I'm talking about an all out I LOVE GOD! kind of guy who isn't afraid of it. Someone who can help me grow in God, and build me up instead of tear me down and trash my faith.
2> Priorities: God is first. Should be to you and me (and everyone else, cha). I don't want to be priority in anyone's life. Second would be super, yet I don't expect it.
3>Morals: GOSH NO SEX. No, I'm not against it. Who doesn't want it after all? I do! But not before marriage. It's special and I'm not about to go throwing it away. Drinking: no no no no no no no. Drugs: no no no no no no no. Smoking: no no no no no no no. It's stupid, it's retarded, and ILLEGAL. And if it's not for you, then you're too old for me anyway and are a pervert for knowing me and wanting to read my EllJay.
4> Domination: Cha, I'm a girl, I like domination (no, not trying to sound all S&M or anything)...but don't ever order me around (heh, how ironic). big mistake...I'll be pissed for a while needless to say, I don't care how cute you are.
5> Lying: Yea, it's OK....NOPE! Just kidding. Don't lie to me, I may find out one day and that could get nasty.
6> Respect: First have respect for God, for yourself, I will look at the way you treat your mom/sister/other people...cause more than likely, after a while that's how you're going to be treating me...and I don't put up with shit anymore. Another thing: RESPECT ME! Don't ask me for things that I can't/won't give (i.e. sex) you won't get it, and if you probe far enough that could get nasty, too. So don't ask me to go against my morals, lie to/for someone (including you), don't ask me to do something after I say "no" (YES, it DOES mean NO), don't ask me to do something that could result in punishment for either of us (or someone else). Cha I think that's all.
7> Don't ever, EVER utter these words in any form or language/meaning resembling them: "If you love me you will ___________." I'll be gone in two seconds.
8> If you don't like me, do yourself and I a favor and have the balls to break up with me. In person. I won't get mad unless you're mean to me.
9> Communication: if something is bothering you, and it affects our relationship...OUT WITH IT! If it's something I've done/do that annoys the hell out of you or made you mad or whatEVER, tell me! If you don't have communication, you don't have anything. Without that, it causes a rift in the relationship...needless to say that sucks something major. I'm not saying spill all your secrets to me, but if it deals with me, and it affects me, I need to know about it. Openness and honesty.
10> Slackers...I don't want you. That doesn't mean "if you do bad in school, you're history." It means you don't try and you don't care. No effort. Not only in school but I'm talking about in every aspect of your life. Girls (well, most I guess) want strong guys who know what they're all about, can provide leadership, and direction (God based). If you're going no where, you're leading me no where and possibly backwards. Apathy is not cool.
11> by the way, I love it when you call. I hate being the one who does the calling, or the rearranging, or the thinking all the time. be sweet, be nice. complements are always welcome. don't be shy. be you. don't change for me, change for yourself and God only. otherwise it can cause bitterness, but that's another story.
12> Happiness: do not place your happiness in me. place it in God. that's where mine is. I don't want emotional control over your life. That's pathetic. I will disappoint you, I will make you mad. I'm human. Don't build your life around mine, it'll cause them both to fall.
13> The Pathetics: making me jealous on purpose by talking about other girls and how they like you (not interested). Doing things for me and then saying, "Wow, look what I've done for you, worship me!" (who made you god?) Manipulating me is pathetic, I can see right through it. Trying to get me to notice you by your accomplishments, ridiculous drinking/partying habits, how many girlfriends you've had, how many people like you, your popularity...etc. GROSS! GAG! DISGUSTING! It's all pathetic.
WHEW. I'm probably unpopular with the guys right now, probably seem a little snooty. But that's OK. I'm sick of wasting my time with people who I know things won't work out with, so I'm not even going to try it anymore.