May 23, 2007 03:11
Totally addicted to Fred Astaire movies! I really miss all those older movies filled with scenes of dancing. Hip hop really isn't my cup of tea, and most dance movies nowadays feature hip hop. Of course, it's to reflect the popular culture of our times, but I've always been a bit out of the loop there. We haven't had a decent ballroom movie since Shall We Dance?, and that was a remake of the Japanese version.
Of course, not that I really understand tap dancing either, and that's the main form of dancing in these 30s and 40s Escapist movies. However, it's a little more... regulated? There are more standards of rhythm and form that are closer to what I understand as well as interaction between dancers. Also, the costumes are so beautiful, and the men and women of that time period are just so much more elegant than what graces *cough* our screens today. We don't have actors and actresses as multitalented anymore, in my own opinion, or perhaps we've just glorified these old names to embody our ideals of grace. I for one cannot think of a recent television or movie celebrity within the leagues of Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly, or Ginger Rogers. Can you? I'd love to know.
Anyways, the goal for the summer is to watch as many Fred Astaire and/or Ginger Rogers movies as I can, as well as other movies that have dancing scenes in them! If you have any recommendations, please offer them.