(no subject)

Mar 20, 2008 14:17

Update, update, update. It’s been a while since an actual post of any substance- so what do I have to fill you in on? This:

I am happy to report that Andrea and I have officially and solidly re-established our commitment to one another. After months of uncertainty, and back and forth efforts, and trying to see other people, all the while wanting to be with each other, and indecision, and fears, and distance, and pining, and questioning, and missing... but always loving. Our long sought after union has arrived. There are still the obvious obstacles, like the 400 miles between us, but so far-so good. Now I just have to convince him to move to Brooklyn.

Since January I have been working at Pratt Institute in a position arranged by a temp agency. I was initially told that it would only be for a month, but here it is three months later and I am still employed-- the job is in the development office; working the non-profit-esque side of higher education. I have always sort of had “working for a non-profit” in the back of my mind, but until now I never really knew what that entailed, now to get into it, or how my talents and education would mesh into a job in the non-profit sector. As of now, my job has mostly consisted of me being a bit of a go-between. I mainly just perform various tasks that are asked of me by any and all members of the staff, and all the rest of the time I get paid to sit and stare at the internet. (Which is fine, temporarily). However, as of this week I have gone through a series of meetings with my supervisor, who has offered to create an actual position for me if I want one. What this means is that rather than sitting around waiting for someone to ask me to do something, I will have a real job description, with actual responsibilities and projects to complete. Once the position is created, I will be working more directly with the fundraising/development aspect of the organization; helping to obtain the contributions of alumni and working to establish creative ways to use and distribute them to the Pratt community. The best part about my boss tailor making the job for me is that he is going to allow me to turn it into a creative role that would incorporate my desire to write, edit, etc. This is all still in the works, but right now the most exciting part is the fact that it will be the first time in my adult life that I’ve had a job which provides benefits: health insurance, paid vacation, sick days-not to mention that I can take graduate classes for FREE!

What else…? I was sick for the majority of the first two months of the year, so I didn’t get out much and spent an unreasonable amount of money on things such as uninsured doctor’s visits, uninsured prescription drugs, and missing days of work that I did not get paid for. (See previous paragraph for my excitement about finally having health care coverage) The only upside is that I finally started exploring and exhausting the resources that are available for low-income citizens in New York. Thanks to a really tacky hot pink subway poster, I found a women’s clinic, run by the NY heath department, where I was able to get my annual exam, tests, and birth control-- all free of cost! Who knew that I was a candidate for Medicaid? Anyway, thanks NY state government for the free BC!-- Even if it will only be for the next couple of months ‘til I am officially employed.

My hair is getting longer and my skin is about to get ink-ier. Haha. For longer than I can remember I’ve had an obsession with hair cuts. Even when I didn’t need a hair cut, I got a hair cut. It was like an alarm went off in my head every three or four weeks and I had to get a hair cut. Anyway, the last time I cut my hair was in October, and that was just a minimal trim… so I’m in for the long haul here. Also, just as a disclaimer, my hair is by no means loooong-just long for me. Additionally, I have had the itch for a new tattoo recently. A new shop just opened up down the street from my apartment and it turns out that it is owned by the artist that both Claire and Sabrina had recommended that I go see. He did really good work on both of them, and his quality is reinforced by the fact that I couldn’t get an appointment with him for over two weeks! Stay tuned on April 16th for the results… If it turns out successfully, it may be the last tattoo session I ever have. (So I claim. But I am running out of prime real estate. )

Good enough? It’s definitely a long enough update to muck up some of your friend pages.

Until next time, I’m clock watching the last two hours of work, after which I will rush off to the bus station and head to Richmond for the weekend. Easter bonnets on monument avenue, anyone?

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