app post

Jun 19, 2010 21:31

Character: Matthew Perrier
Series: Delicious Gakuin
Character Age: ~16
Canon: Somewhere deep in the mountains and far away from people, there's a school known as Delicious Gakuin. It was built for one purpose: creating the best chefs in the world. The students - who are brought there against their will - are stuck until their graduation three years later. It's a tough process, and they are forced to undergo very difficult and strict training. However! There is a way out of this. Their mission, should they choose to accept it, is to battle the staff and principal in cooking battles. Matthew, one of the protagonists, is a member of a group known as the Delicious Five. Together, they intend to take on the staff and principal so that they can graduate early.

Matthew is spoiled due to having been raised by rich parents, and because of this, he's used to the finer things in life. There's never really been a time where he hasn't had the best, and he's not used to doing most things by himself since there's always been someone else to do it. His social status can sometimes result in him thinking that he's above poor people things, but thanks to the help from one of his friends, he's started to get better about that. Despite the occasional show of arrogance, he's actually pretty friendly and enjoys befriending others. If his friends are in trouble, he'll do what he can to help them! He has a tendency to be positive and energetic, too. When it comes to cooking, Matthew's specialty is with making sauces. Using his spoon Amour, he is able to create delicious sauces that will make people want to lick their plates clean. There are times where he'll get down on himself about his ability to cook, but with the support of his friends he is able to continue on.

Note: Due to a lot of moving that he's done, Matthew speaks a mishmash of languages. He peppers his speech with French and awkward sounding English. When he speaks, the result might be something like "Me's impression is, it's a mountain."

Sample Post:

Ah~! Monsieur Zombie! Me is very sorry that I arrived late; me knows you were expecting me much earlier than this! It was very hard to walk through the cornfields that this place seems to have, which is why it took me so long to arrive here at the mess hall! Me is very tired, though, because me was not expecting to get lost in them. Me is very delayed because of that, so I hope that I did not delay what you were planning too much, Monsieur Zombie. I know that there are things that must be done before the campers come to eat their meals soon, so... let's together! If we can start now, me and Amour will be able to create delicious sauces that will make them want to lick their plates~! Me is sure that we will make yummy food for everyone as long as we work together. Simple, simple!

... Monsieur Zombie, are these the foods and recipes that you plan on working with...? Me is not very sure about how well that these will all go together, but you might have a très bien idea for everything that you have here. But-- Monsieur Zombie, this baconnaise that you have does not sound like it would be delicious mixed with wasabi. Maybe if you were to mix it with a little of this tomato sauce instead, me thinks that it might be much more délicieux! Many of these other things do not seem like they would go well with that sort of sauce, though... squid does not seem to mix well with bacon, from what me has heard--aha! Monsieur Zombie, me thinks that I will use some of this salad that you have, too! Using Amour, me will make a yummy salad for the people that attend this camp!

So, let's see! Mmm~! Me can already taste the salad dressing that I have planned-- with my genius skills, me will make these ingredients even more delicious! Watch carefully, s'il vous plaît! I shall show you the potential of these ingredients so that they will taste yummy. Amour, let's do our best to make them tasty! First, we'll pour in the tomato sauce slowly, stirring it as it goes into the bowl. Once it's all in the bowl, we can go ahead and add in some of these spices that you have in here as well. Finally, we'll pour some of this baconnaise in! Me's partner, Amour, will create a miracle of flavor together with me. Like the tornado that me had experienced before arriving, we shall stir this together, Amour!

There we go~! It tastes perfect! Me is sure that whoever tries it with their salad will enjoy it, Monsieur Zombie. Although... perhaps we should name it? All good dishes deserve a name that's très bien, of course. Ah-- me knows! Monsieur Zombie, I would like to give this dressing the name of Coral Heaven! It is a magnifique name for something that will taste wonderful-- huh? Monsieur Zombie, are you okay? Me thinks that your arm looks like it will fall off! Please be careful around the dressing if that is true... but maybe we should get you to the infirmary. I think that they might be able to sew your arm back on properly-- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

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