But now this witch is back! And there's hell to pay...

May 09, 2006 17:55

Hey there my livejournalians. It's been FOREVER and a day since I updated this thing. But I deleted my myspace and I wanted a place to just talk for a bit. So! here I am.

I deleted my Myspace because I wanted to start fresh, get rid of alot of the "fake friends" I have on there, ya know the ones that just have u to have u, and to hide from the creepy guys that send u odd messages like "hey...lets do it tonight...I'm SOOO horny right now" ugh. So I figure now I can retool and redo my Myspace. Expect friend invites from me soon! P.S. if u can respond with ur myspace adress that would be awesome too!

Ok let's see. Life is freaking sweet right now. All my people are down or "up" from colleges so YAY! I missed u guys! My evil twin is back so the fun shall be forever glorious!

Umm I have my apartment, I finalize and move in sometime this week

Other than that not alot is going on. I've met some really awesome new people who are well...pretty damn cool. Lol

Oh crap! I started this blog, jumped in the shower, and then realzied I have to go! Well umm look for updates from me here until I get my myspace up and running again! Love to all my bitches and ho's!

The Commadore
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