Title: Love Hurts, Especially in the Rectum
Author: Saturn
Rating: FR21
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural, Buffy or True Blood. I do own myself though. Please don't use my likeness in fic without my express permission. No money being made.
Setting: Season 4 Buffy, Season 2 Supernatural, Season 1 True Blood.
Author's note: Warning Self Insert fic. In this fic Sam is my cousin. Dean ran away and joined the circus after John died so I help Sam hunting. We get help from Dark Willow who is in love with me so doesn't kill us or end the world. Also Sookie is in love with me too and is okay with Willow because she can read her mind and knows she loves me just as much. Sam is gay and is in love with me too. And even though we are cousins it's okay.
Really?!?!?!? I can't believe you really thought I would do that!
How about some expertly crafted manips while I'm at it? Also of the self insert variety. :)