So I'm just curious what comics if any you read/collect/look at the pretty pictures. I've seen lots of discussion on Buffy and Supernatural Origins comics of course since most people I know online are associated with one or both of those fandoms
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I'm with you on Runaways and Y the Last Man, though I've fallen behind of the last one and need to do a lot of rereading before I pick it up again.
I'm also really digging Peter David's X-Factor. He's one of my favorite comic book writers and I love what he's doing with the characters here. I know a lot of people hated Layla Miller in House of M, but I loved her. She has some fantastic chemistry with the rest of the X-Factor cast. And David is doing some amazing stuff in exploring the Madrox's powers and the nature of his duplicates.
I've recently picked up X-Men again, with all the hype over issue 200. I *hate* the current artist, but I'm liking the book as a whole. Rogue is one of my favorite Marvel characters and seeing her as a team leader is really cool. She also currently is losing her identity after absorbing a few million people all at once.
For the most part I'm also loving Whedon's run on Astonishing X-Men. I just wish the issues woudl be released on a timely basis. I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens next year when Warren Ellis takes over.
I'm also reading Ultimate X-Men and Ultimate Spiderman and I'm looking forward to Ultimates V3.
I am thinking of starting to read Ultimate Spider-man. Ever since the random issue I read where Spider-man was dating Kitty. Being a comic store owner it's sad but I didn't realize they had changed Spider-man storylines that much. I just figured it was all just the same old same old.
One of the things I really liked about Ulitmate Spiderman is that the first 111 issues are all done by the same artist, which gives it a great sense of consistancy.
And in the 616 universe everything is so serious these days. Ultimate has done a good job of keeping Spidey snappy and joke-cracking, even when situations are pretty dire.
Plus, Nick Fury rocks my socks and is in the book quite frequently. The art for him was modeled after Samuel L. Jackson and it's all kinds of cool.
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