Resources for those who have been laid off

Dec 30, 2008 12:01

General Help for the Unemployed

Find a Job Resources
(California Department of Employment Development)
Links to job lists and job seeking advice.

Information for Those Hit Hard in the Economic Slowdown
(California Department of Employment Development)
Links to web sites helping those who have lost their jobs in construction and mortgage industries.

Unemployment Insurance Application
(California Department of Employment Development)
File by telephone: (800) 300-5616

California Occupational Guides
(California Department of Employment Development)
Online guides include a job description, job outlook and wages, and qualification requirements, plus benefits, licensing, education, training, links to possible employers, how to find a job, related occupations, and links to additional resources.

Employment Assistance

EDD Workforce Services Offices by County
(California Department of Employment Development)
A list of Workforce Services Offices providing assistance in looking for a new job, finding career training, assessing your résumé, job search workshops, and more.

Sacramento County Employment Services
(Sacramento County Department of Human Assistance)
(916) 874-2072
Innovative employment-related programs and job retention services are available to individuals seeking employment for the first time or returning to the work force. Today we are as dedicated to curtailing the cycle of poverty through education and job training as we are to meeting the basic needs of our residents.

El Dorado County Employment Services
(El Dorado County Department of Human Services)
(530) 642-4850
The Employment Services Division is responsible for assisting the public with several programs including: CalWORKs; CalWORKs Welfare to Work; General Assistance; One Stop Career Resource Center; and the Workforce Investment Act.

Placer County Employment Services
(Placer County Department of Health and Human Services)
(916) 784-6100
Information on CalWorks, job listings and Job Readiness Workshops.

Yolo County Employment Services
(Yolo County Health and Human Services)
(530) 661-2641
CalWORKs employment program offers a range of job services, including job club, job search workshop, and an employment center with access to phones and job leads. The program may also provide training and education, and pays transportation and child care for participants.

Employment Training and Counseling

Job Seeker Services
(Sacramento Employment & Training Agency)
(877) 920-JOBS
Each Center provides you with the tools and training necessary to find the type of job you are looking for. Let Sacramento Works help you get started on a successful career path.

Center for Employment Training
(916) 393-7401
The mission is to promote human development and education by providing people with marketable skills, training and supportive services that contribute to self-sufficiency.

Vocational Programs
Sacramento City Unified School District
(916) 643-7400
Vocational training, GED, English as a Second Language, life skills and career counseling at several locations.

Job Listings

(California Department of Employment Development)
(800) 758-0398
California's Internet system for linking employer job listings and job seekers.
Extensive national employment database.

Career Builder
Extensive national employment database.

Apprenticeship Opportunities
(California Department of Industrial Relations)
Advice and links for getting on the job training in the construction trades.

California State Jobs
(California Personnel Board)
Job listings, exams and application procedures for pursuing work in state government.
MedHunters is the world's largest online healthcare job board.
(888) 884-8242


Guide for Avoiding Foreclosure
(U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development)
Tips, links and referrals.

HUD Approved Housing Counseling Agencies
(U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development)
Housing counseling agencies offer guidance on home buying, renting, reverse mortgages and default and foreclosure prevention.

Hope for Homeowners
(U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development)
(800) 225-5342
HOPE for Homeowners program will refinance mortgages for borrowers who are having difficulty making their payments, but can afford a new loan insured by HUD's Federal Housing Administration (FHA).

Foreclosure Avoidance Information
(California Housing Finance Agency)
(800) 669-1079
The California Housing Finance Agency provides options and advice for avoiding foreclosure.

Saving Your Home from Foreclosure
(Housing Education Program)
(800) 777-7526
Understanding your options and strategies for Early Delinquency Intervention.


Approved Credit Counseling Agencies
(U.S. Department of Justice)
A list of credit counselors vetted by the Justice Department.

Choosing a Credit Counseling Agency
(Council of Better Business Bureaus)
(916) 443-6843
Advice for choosing a reputable counselor.

Credit Counseling Agency Locator
(National Foundation for Credit Counseling)
(800) 388-2227
A list of offices staffed by professional Certified Consumer Credit Counselors that provide personal assistance to people who need help with stressful financial situations.
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