Anyone still on this site?

May 11, 2014 16:55

I actually am shocked I am coming back here. I hate facebook. I should have known all along I would.

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de311_nightluva May 21 2014, 17:10:48 UTC
Wow, haven't seen you post on here for YEARS. Yeah fb isn't great. I check it every now and then but I'm over it. Welcome back to LJ ^_^


satyre_9 May 28 2014, 15:30:53 UTC
Awesome! I am so glad to see you, it *has* been years!!!! I am slowing detoxing from Facebook - it's so full of drama, and all I really want anymore is to just feel like I can say way more than I can there!


satyre_9 June 8 2014, 01:27:37 UTC
So what have you been doing lately!? I can't believe it's been so long. I had one more child in 2010, hard to believe it!
Both Ashton and Bruce have autism. Phoenix (my third child) actually does not. It was so hard at first to accept. Now, it's almost like I was never horrified at the prospect of autism. It was excruciating, the pain I went through at first. But once I found out that autism was not a death sentence, we managed to find a path. It's crazy, but now we live probably better than most of the families I know whose kids hate each other! So far, none of the kids argue with each other. They're sweet and loving, and I couldn't ask for a better set of children.


de311_nightluva June 14 2014, 03:48:23 UTC
I didn't even know you had kids! Maybe I wasn't paying attention (that or my memory is super janky and I don't remember). Congrats on the munchkins in either case :) On my second job I supported an older guy who was autistic (with Asperger's) and was incredibly smart. Socially awkward but quite smart.

It doesn't seem like there's a whole lot going on with me. I've been trying to do some 'soul searching' and trying to figure out what I want to do. I'm working but looking for a full time job. I've been working on my writing and focused on a couple projects lately (one completed first draft and an entirely new novel). Still trying to be the best aunt I can be ^_^


satyre_9 June 30 2014, 03:49:43 UTC
That is so awesome! Where are you at nowadays? I'm still in Flint, MI - I honestly love it here - I know it sounds insane! I figure that we have so many issues, but the weird part about it is that even though they exist, and I am only now coming to the realization that I have been downplaying it for years because I assumed that it didn't affect me (it actually does, on a somewhat bizarre basis of "There was a party store robber in my neighbors backyard a week ago hiding from the cops). While it only sort of affects me, I still love this city for some unknown reason. I think it's because it is the closest to home I can ever find in my life. My husband was a drifter of sorts for years. I love to be planted somewhere - I figure Flint is as good a place as any, especially because we bought our house in a relatively ritzy neighborhood for $15,000 cash (the house itself is worth about $85,000 give or take, we just bought it at the exact moment the floor was at the lowest about 2 years ago - plus, we had a badass real estate agent)


de311_nightluva July 2 2014, 02:10:33 UTC
I'm still in St. Louis however I do miss Boston, lol, and I await the day that I'll go back to Thailand. Miss it there as well.

Oh wow, you did get a sweet house deal. I recently moved (back in May, kicked out of my old place due to construction scheduled to take place), and I was trying to find a house since I figured the market was still reasonable but time wasn't on my side.

It took me some time before I started to appreciate my city. I think it's all about the lens sometimes like I think some cities are hyped up more than others but there's definitely beauty in the place you live. Might not be awesome but there can be some good with it, nothing's perfect. But if you can make the most of what your city does have, it makes living easier instead of yearning for some fictionalized fantasy of another place.


de311_nightluva July 2 2014, 02:11:08 UTC
Off topic, seeing your icon of "Old Boy" makes me want to watch it. I haven't seen it in years.


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