Job Hunt

Jun 09, 2006 15:19

I have an interview at The Gap in 2 hours . . . I'm nervous and don't really know why.  It's not like this is life or death.  I'm not looking for a career, just a summer job . . . what's left of the summer, that is.  This is lame, I shouldn't be nervous.  Maybe I'm worried that I'll actually get the job and have to be employed this summer, that'll really cut into my sittin' around time.

I also have a group interview with American Eagle on Tuesday . . . I hate group interviews.  I'm quiet.  People don't like quiet.  Well they can suck it cause I is who I is, bitches.

Mt P this weekend . . . bound to be hella fun.  Virgin Zombies, what?  Hellz yeah :-D

That is all.
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