OPD stuff

Oct 20, 2007 15:52

Well the day went so well...

We set the alarm for 6am. Woke up at 6:30am. Got up and wrapped my ankle in sports tape, and put the brace on over that. Got to the place at around 7:30am. All decked out in my sweats and t-shirt, like everyone else... except one guy. One guy was wearing jeans! Anyway there were about 100 people there. Everyone ran the course. And only a few didn't make it. The course ran a lot harder than it looked. And I was a bit worried. mostly for my ankle. So Its my turn finally after I see two people before me fail at the wall... and about three at the handcuff sim. I walk up, hand them my little pink paper, and they strap a 12 lb weight belt to me. I've been watching quite a few people before me have trouble with there belt. So I suck in what girth I have and the guy locks the belt into place. I relax my belly, nice and snug this thing ain't going anywhere! So I walk around to the driver side of the Police cruiser and hop in. I have one hand on the handle and one on the steering wheel. Just staring in front of me at all the cones. Trying to reach my "no mind" state. I remember hearing "GO!" And I'm already through the zig-zagging line of cones the first time and on my second trip through before I realize I was even out of the car. I finish the second zig-zag and on to the stretch around the cones to a right turn, to the wall. I feel a twinge in my ankle as I make the straight away before the right turn making me hobble a bit. I make the turn and the wall is in front of me. Now I was thinking this was going to be a solid wall, nope. Its a chain-link fence wall. which I was bummed about. A solid wall would be easy, just two step on the wall, hand plant on top and you are over. not this, chain-link fence gives. So I go a different route. As soon as I see the wall I let loose with my anger and explode. I charge at the fence and with shear force of rage muscle my way up and over. One try. I think the guy watching this realized what I did because I think he made a comment about my face. something of "good war face" or something to that effect. then I continue on, no breath to be had I easily jump the makeshift ditch and go around the cones to the stairs and through the window. Now its the second to last stretch straight to the dummy drag. I still can't breathe and my head is starting to feel dizzy. I reach the dummy, but the guy before me isn't done yet. so I have to wait for him to finish. They make me jog in place till I can drag the dummy. I guess that was a good thing cause if I stopped, I know I would have collapsed. He finishes so I grab the dummy. 150 lbs is a lot heavier then I remember! So, still out of breath I'm gasping for air as I pull this thing to a cone and back. finish that. and I burst the last bit left over to the handcuff simulation. Again the guy isn't ready. but to stop the time I have to touch the block that the simulator is built into. so I run up and slam that thing with my hand. Thinking I can take a bit of a break, nope they still want me to jog in place! So I do, and he finishes up. I get up there and grab the bars, all the while gulping for air. I pull my hand down together and force them there still gasping and trying to fight the urge to throw up. The lady is counting off the seconds but I'm not listening. I'm not listening to the point that She says "Ok your good!" Still holding the bars together. "You can go!" Still holding the bars together. Finally she taps me on the shoulder and says "You're done! Other people need to do this!" So I let go and leave still doing those "I'm about to throw up burbs." They hand me back my pink paper, I take it and another lady has her hand out so I just hand it off to her. She asks if I'm going to be ok, and I just nod and make a motion like I'm drinking out of a glass and force the word water out. She motions over to a kitchen like area where there is a sink. And I promptly douse my head and neck with water. And take little drinks here and there. I calm down enough to no longer have that "I'm going to throw up feeling" and walk around trying to clear my head of the dizzies. I finally get back to her after a couple minutes, and she hands back my paper telling me to go around the corner to the elevator and go up to the third floor to take the psych test. I passed! I didn't just pass but I passed quite well too! the time you are allowed is 2min 35secs. I did mine in 1:46! Average time is roughly 1:40 but I have a crap ankle... so all and all I'm quite proud of myself! After that I took the really lame psych test. You know the ones... "answer true or false or which ever is closer" To questions like "Fluffy clouds make me feel angry." The hell!? Or the check which box best describes the statement on how you currently feel never/sometimes/most times/always. "I'm mad" "I'm angry" "I feel like cussing" "I feel like punching something or someone" I looked for the one that said "I feel like laughing cause this is fucking ridiculous." But they didn't have it. So all done! Now I have to go to some place on Tuesday and Sign a waver, get my picture taken and take some speed timed Intelligence test. I'm telling you, after all this crap, I better get some job!


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