Dear fellow Game Masters, especially* those of the male persuasion:
No matter how edgy, cool or hardcore you may think you are, there are places in a game you really should not go - most especially without the prior consent of your players. Sexual assault is one of them.
While there may be exceptions made with the
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I was a play tester until he told me that part. There was a big fight that followed and I walked, mad as hell. He just couldn't understand why I was making such a big deal out of this. It was, as he kept reminding me, his game so it was his rules. That was really the only answer he had back to fall on.
Funny enough how none of the other female gamers in our community at that time would play either. Thankfully it didn't get past the paper stage theory. He blamed me for poisoning the well.
And yes, this kind of thing still needs to be said. Over and over and over. Applied with a mace in some cases.
Somehow, I'm not surprised about what you posted above, based on what they said.
I didn't believe it could be so bad as the review claimed, so I scored that PDF of it that was floating around way back in the day. Why yes, it is that bad. It's even worse. The review might be 10 pages long, but in such a short review the authors could not hope to fully encapsulate the sheer WTF contained in just 100 pages of that system.
Also, I'd have walked too. And I've have made my feelings quite well known--it wouldn't be an ego-protecting "oh gee, guess I'm just busy for the next four months, sorry dude.."
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