It was an act of war to wear red. I knew it and I did not care. My Gramma had not been afraid, and neither would I be. "They are like little wolves," she used to say, her voice rich with far-away places, "hungry and fierce but without enough sense to come in out of the cold..."
That's the opening of "Act of War," the original flash fiction written for this week's sponsors of
Today marks the second week of the project's posting on A site dedicated to putting creative individuals in touch with people who'd like to help their projects happen, kickstarter presents an online forum for
crowdfunding. Following the success of
Ravens in the Library, I heeded suggestions to start my new gaming imprint Silver Satyr Studios off with a fun new book. POWERCHORDS is the result. Come check us out!
As I've mentioned earlier, POWERCHORDS is an open-system sourcebook that helps rock your urban fantasy adventures. Inspired by films like
Ink and
Scott Pilgrim vs the World; books like
Reservation Blues and
Bedlam's Bard; and my own experiences with musicians and bands, this proposed project features characters, story hooks, settings and spellcraft for modern fantasy tales.
My goal is to use this project to launch my new gaming imprint Silver Satyr Studios - an independent micropress dedicated to creator-owned RPG releases*. Rejecting the work-for-hire model, Silver Satyr projects pay royalties to the authors, designers and illustrators involved. To make this model work, we create print-on-demand products with small staffs, minimal resources, and limited distribution.
We also rely upon the rewarded-sponsorship model. Folks who want to see our projects happen help us raise the resources we need - and in return, they get cool stuff: "thank you" credits, limited-edition goodies, creative input, characters and bands named after their ideas, and so on.
With POWERCHORDS, the goodies include: PDF and hardcover copies of the book; characters or bands named after the investors; a limited-edition "I'm With the Band" t-shirt; and... as seen in this post... exclusive stories written for this project and its sponsors.
Each week until the end of September, that week's sponsors receive a short flash fiction tale based in the realm of POWERCHORDS**. Until midnight Seattle time today, new folks get to find out why red is an act of war and what happens when you dare those "little wolves..."
See you again soon!
* - Yes - if this venture succeeds, we plan to do new Deliria books.
** - Please make sure to include contact info so I can get said story to you. :)