(no subject)

Nov 20, 2004 20:53

wow, did you know that it's been more than a month since my last update? that's on acount of the fact that it's been more than a month since I last went on the internet. I have broad band now and feel strangely chuffed that I have had enough self control not to use it over the exam period
speaking of which, I've totally finished school for ever and ever. that means that I never, no never need to go back there again. hooray for that man. hoorays, hazahs and woo hoos are in order so say I.
so rather thatn give a blow by blow of each exam (because those who were there know and those who weren't don't care) I'm doing a blow by blow of what I've done now they're over.
tuesday: went for icecream with tash and georgie, nandos with tash, georgie and zenabo. mosied down to central park with zenabo and met benji. then went home and nile came over so we had a belated 1 year thing/ end of exams thing, champagne, pizza and movies. what more could a girl want, eh?
wednesday: I got my legs waxed, more pain than the human body should reasonably stand, I thought it wouldn't be as bad as the bikini wax ( which wasn't that bad) but hello, so much worse. damn damn damn and blast it sucked, and I did this huge butch thing like "nah, it's not that bad, I don't know what people complain about" to the girl and then was forced to carry on a normal conversation when I really just wanted to go "AHHHH! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?!?!?!" then I felt hugely gypped when I had to pay her for the privledge. then I went bathers shopping, so very wonderfull for my self esteem to be forced to see myself in bathers from all angles, I hate myers changing rooms. so it really was a two ofr two day, I was humiliated and tortured.
thursday: went and saw hero, very pretty and crouching tiger like but a couple of tarantino touches, I liked the mix it was interesting. plus cool.
friday: went shopping with my mother, yeah I'm hard right? well I do my best. then we had the valadictory diner, which was really nice actually, I thought it was going to be really crap and didn't really feel like it but it was fun when I ghot there, pretty cool to see everyone again, and everybody looked amazing which was nice. I got to drink legally on school property, rather than just illegaly like last time. suz and lisa's speech was good and our descant was pretty ace I reckon man.
today: got up, did washing, went and met greg, wenban and benji for a picnic. hung about, brought wodka, got a job at nandos (sad but true, I REALLY need the money) went home, bashed my head on the dryer repeatedly (adcidentally my mum being a tiny person and all) talked to april bout schoolies, packed. Now I'm just going to watch the graduate, ahhh the irony is sweet and kind of salty. mmmmmmmm...... irony.... sorry sleepy.


most excited about this schoolies business tomorrow, should be a good time, lots of drinking and lollies and beach and other enjoyable activities, possibly involving not really doing anything with my buddies in inverloch, hooray.
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