Nov 07, 2006 14:01
So I'm not voting today. Didn't realize it was the last day and never looked it up; now I'm stuck at work till 9:30.
Ah well, I'm comfortable with the fact that I won't be counted. After all... I voted in Florida in 2000! Yay for elections being decided by a 5-4 vote...
I guess this makes me jaded (surprise surprise). Oh well, I'll def vote for the presidential election, I always do. Maybe I'll register as a republican too so I can vote for McCain in the primary, I think he's the only republican I'd be able to stand.
Speaking of the candidates, Barack Obama was on the local news late last night for some campaigning he was doing for local candidates... sounds like a warmup for a run at the Whitehouse. He's by far my favorite potential candidate, articulate and intelligent, with a message that seems to resonate with the disenchanted (and dare I say disenfranchised) voter base.
Oh, and down with touch screen voting machines! 10% error is not acceptable, especially when the company owners have the gall to promise elections to certain candidates. More soapboxing on that: why not just convert ATMs for voting services. Press the *real button* next to the candidates name, democrats on one side, republicans on the other, yes on one side, no on the other. People are familiar with the names and there sure as hell aren't a lot of problems with ATMs throwing out the wrong amount of money.
But in the end, I suppose I'd rather have machines decide my elections than a partisan supreme court... these are sad times we live in.