i am traumatized/. and Lucinda is Drunk.

Dec 24, 2007 02:04

i am traumatized.  and Lucinda is drunk.  i think i might be  drunker, i did have one drink more.  but my traumtizing experience TRAUMATZIED ME.  XD  but her tolerence is LOWER.  and i ate before we went out.  and Aston was the D.D.

But back to my traumatizing experience, so It's Natascha BDay, (HAPPY BDAY) and So it's me, aston, natascha, and lucinda and a bunch of other people whose names i don't know, and we went to Elliott's and Lucky Joe's, and at Lucky Joe's, Lucinda and i go to the bar to get a midori sour or something, but then we met this cool guy at the bar who bought us each a car bomb and a vodka with sweet and sour.  :D  but then, i'm in a happy place, and the other two are talking, and this guy sits next to me and starts a conversation...  and he asks me my interests and such... and then he's like, have you ever had a one night stand?  ... and i'm like.. "no!"  and he's like, well how about one?  and i'm like ?!?!?!  WHAAAT?!  he did ask if i was in a relationship and i was like, well, kinda sorta, and so he took that as a no, so he said i had nice boobs, which of course i'm wearing a jacket so i'm like, you can't see them, and  he's grabs at my jacket, and i'm like, whoaaa now, no!  and he's like sorry, so we talk for a few minutes and then i turn to Lucinda and i'm like, "AAAAAAA!"  and talk to them for a minute and the guy leaves .  yeah, but he was in town for a wedding looking for a one night stand, and asks ME!  ?!!!!  Aston phrases it well, she said i'm the least likely out of the car, on the way home, to have a one night stand...  and I AGREE>  NOOOOOO!  even if Adam  and I don't start a relationshiop, i'm still NOT likely to have a one night stand.

we're watching Married with Children, and it's blurry XD

this doesn't sound traumatizing, but it was for me.  and i was sitting RighT NEXT to Lucinda, and i didn't know what to do, so we decided that i need to say help in Japanese as our 'code'  and she would ... do osmehting.  XD  probably kick him in the shins.  but yeah.  we had fun tonight!  drank too much!  i just wanted to get drunk, but i got hit on by One Night Stand Aaron Man, and some crazy mexican outside of the bar so i started to cling to Lucinda!  SHIIIIINDA!  *CLING*

okay, now we're watching a transexual program...  interesting.

ANyhow, Lucinda is sobering up on my futon, and i'm chillin on the couch.  having to pee every 8 seconds.  i'm off!
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