the summer so far

May 14, 2008 11:49

So I blew the AdFarm interview. But, in a good way (get your mind out of the gutter)... they took someone who was "more qualified," which I fully believe happened and is not some HR white lie. They did have the courtesy to let me know I was rejected, so I credit them for that.

I'm back at Mission Services, I start work in a week or two. I will set the date myself, when I decide what time is best for me. See, this is the benefit of returning to your old employer with whom you are on good terms... You can bend rules sometimes. Not that it's a big bend.

I met Curtis' long-lost brother in a recent weekend. Chris, his wife Sarah, and recently-born son Lucien, are wonderful people and appear to be a creepishly accurate parallel to the life Curtis would probably be living now if he had the choice. Chris and Curtis are so similar it's hard to believe they weren't raised side by side. Not only their appearance (which is kind of like passing Curtis through a time accelerating machine and having him come out the other side aged by about 10 years), but in their manner and interests. Creepy, it really is. They're adult nerds, which I find charming. An attractive personality trait if there ever was one. The nerd community is united, and they are strong. I think/hope I am a part of this category.

Of the little I did say during that weekend visit, I did manage to make a fool of myself. I'm socially WAY out of practice. In fact, my awkwardness was so extreme that at one point I had a breakdown and cried for an hour (I KNOW, it's shrink-worthy). I'm not going to bother explaining in detail, it was just one of those things. Fortunately I could escape before my condition became too apparent I think. Curtis did his best to calm me down while I blubbered about all kinds of garbage that had been building up over the past God-knows how long. Whatever, it was a good cry. Refreshing.

In other news, a dear friend has recently engaged in some rather worrying behaviour. I am going to hope that this is a phase, and that we will laugh at it later in life over iced tea and cookies. She has managed to worry me a little, not in the way that one might immediately think, but at a more personal level. Again, there are surface issues that would be hymned and hawed over if I were to bring it up, so I'm going to let things lie for awhile, though the ordeal is less of a sleeping dog and more of a hyperactive child on a dinner of pixie sticks. I hope she has fun, but I'm wondering where my friend has gone, more or less. This metaphoric manifestation has gone from pleasantly sedated toddler to fully loaded Son of Rambo, if I may.

Oh, what a world, what a world.

I'm going to read some Northrop Frye this summer. And perhaps Judith Butler (Gender Trouble) if I still have time/sanity. I want to find out if they're actually full of crap, as I have trumpeted in the past, or if I'm just too ignorant to handle their mind-blowing innovations on modern thought, or something. In other words, this is a period of self-doubt in which I need to attempt to prop up my inflated self-worth, or succumb to a period of depression.

When I'm retired, I am going to be drunk all the time.

Also, there hasn't been a proper Lithursday in a long time. Maybe tomorrow? *hopeful*
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