Jun 26, 2008 00:53
Me, being the not so brillient person that I am, baked this big chocolate cake because I was board...yeah, if thats not sad, what is?
I decided that I would do it for my dad's B-day (a day early though) and make dinner with it. so I did.
Only to find that he went out to eat with his friends. So when he came home we went straight to bed leaving me and the cake.
it took me almost 2 hours but I somehow managed to stuff a whole cake into my 135 pound frame. I have defied the laws of Physics!
Mawahahahahahahahah...yeah. moving on.
that was at like 7 or 8sish. it's now 1 am. i;ve written 3 new chapters for my stories and still have energy left over.
What the hell have I done....