
Feb 14, 2010 20:41

So yeah, they're in Vancouver, I feel it's a waste of money for us to have them and I wouldn't be there right now for the world, but now that they're going on, I've been watching some. Mainly because this is the only time of year when the TV is always on at my house, as my parents have always enjoyed the Olympics. My mom especially. Her favourite sport is figure skating, and being exposed to it at an early age, I grew up loving it too.

I mean, how can you not love a sport where the athletes dress like this?

Also, my Reading Break is during this next week! I will use my time getting a headstart on my historical fiction Bang Bang Shousetsu piece. Because that's just how I roll. (To that end, also v. lucky that school library seems to have fair bit of stuff on Victorian male homosexuality! Hurrah.)

Also Happy Valentine's Day.

Also Happy Lunar New Year!

Also, I seriously need to post more regularly, because I think the less I post, the less I am inclined to do so. And despite now having Facebook and Twitter, LJ will always be my favourite social networking site, for reasons that should be obvious.

real life, fandom

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