
Jun 04, 2009 12:11

Twelve Kingdoms is one of those fandoms I've always had a lot of trouble writing for, due to a consistant feeling of "ARG WORLDBUILDING SO GOOD I AM NOT WORTHY." But I just finished reading the english translation of Vast Spread of the Seas (conclusion: very good, although the randomly translating some terms/names and not others bugs me), and I need to get on the ball and write things even if they suck. So here go some antics in En.

As soon as he walks into the chamber he can tell that Shoryu has been drinking. The smell of wine in the air and the half-empty bottle - brought back up from his night in Kankyu, more likely than not - are ample proof.

"...You'd think I'd be used to this by now."

"Indeed." Shoryu lifts his cup, makes a toast in Rokuta's general direction. The most depressing thing is that he looks the same as always. Maybe slightly disheveled - drunk, even - but not haggard or worn out by the night's pleasures. "Care to join me?"

"No. It's almost sunrise! Have you slept at *all* tonight?" He shakes his head. "No, forget it. You know what, I don't want to know. Just tell me that you'll be up in time for court tomorr... this morning."

"I make no promises."

"Of course not."

"Ah, Rokuta," says Shoryu, in a way that might be happy if it weren't slighty wistful. "How you must regret me sometimes."

"I did." He sighs. A long time ago, if someone had offered him the choice of another master, he would have considered it. But now he can't imagine what he would do as someone else's kirin. There's a space inside him that seems to be made for Shoryu. Theoretically, that space could have been filled by another King, but Rokuta finds that he can't believe that anymore. "But I've gotten so used to you, there's no point."

Shoryu seems pleased by this answer. Maybe he recognizes the sentiment behind it. "Why don't you come here," he replies, and he indicates a spot beside him that is meant for Rokuta.

It's clearly not an order. He can refuse, if he wants to. The problem is that he doesn't want to. There is something inside him that Shoryu's voice awakens, at times like these: something that longs to yield, that takes a shivering, eager thrill of pleasure in being commanded. Something that wants to run to the arms of his king and bend to his will in... in anything. There is something more than free will which ties him to Shoryu, and at times he resents it bitterly.

But there *is* free will, even in this. It has taken him a long time to understand that fighting blindly against his instinct as a kirin is as constraining a path as accepting it in the same way. There is a time to refuse and a time to consent. And those choices are left to him.

Deliberately, he makes his way across the chamber to where Shoryu sits with his bottle, and leans down to kiss him full on the mouth.

Shoryu tastes like alchohol, and faintly - but maybe it's just his imagination - the sea. "Looks like I won't be sleeping for a while yet," he murmurs as he pulls Rokuta into his lap, undoing the sash of his trousers.

Because he still has his pride, Rokuta doesn't let him see that he is smiling.

"Yeah. Guess you won't."

I might finish this later so that it is actually porn. ...But probably not.

books, teh homogay, fandom

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