
Mar 11, 2009 19:08

It's been a long time since I've posted, hasn't it? Well, I've been working on a whole exciting ton of stuff, so that would be why. But OMG this meme looks fun.

Pick 15 OTPs and describe them in 15 words or less. Then post them for your friends list to guess who they are.

One per series. One is het, five are femmeslash, nine are slash.

1. GIRL GENIUS AND LESBIAN ROBOT FTW (KOS-MOS/Shion, Xenosaga, sarajayechan)
2. God will keep them apart. (Kyon/Koizumi, Haruhi, spacetart)
3. She'll have to get used to the hair loss.
4. Sometimes love means getting your arm cut off. (Kurogane/Fye, Tsubasa, sarajayechan)
5. Pat Benetar and Cyndi Lauper fight crime in an airship! (Paine/Rikku, FFX-2, spacetart)
6. Every homoerotic movie about popular teenage girls ever made. But with ninjas. (Mei/Ty Lee, Avatar, spacetart)
7. The only man he ever took to his bed. (Gojyo/Hakkai, Saiyuki, spacetart)
8. He was his only weakness.
9. Why can't you hook them up with each other?
10. A successful relationship going on 500 years. (Shoryuu/Enki, 12 Kingdoms, canis_m)
11. She was left behind but never forgotten. (Yoruichi/Soi Fong, Bleach, canis_m)
12. They don't object... to love! (Pheonix/Edgeworth, Ace Attourney, spacetart)
13. Just a boy and his angsty strategist. Ike/Soren, Fire Emblem, sarajayechan)
14. To be his brother wasn't what he wanted.
15. Nobody tops, and it's awesome!


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