Sep 05, 2008 21:06 the title of a book by Hiratsuka Raichou. It should also be the motto of the Falenan royal family. Because that would be awesome.
In other words, I've been playing more Suikoden V.
It occurs to me that the reason I like Subala so much is she's the first female version I've ever seen of the old fandom chestnut: the seme who is so clearly attracted to the opposite sex, but you can't help making them gay. (Speaking of which, Kyle...) Unfortunately it's hard to have a couple where *both* partners are utterly reluctant. But Subala/Lun is still totally there.
I think my favourite SuikoV lesbian might actually be Miakis. I mean, asking the Prince to put on a wig and pretend to be Lym? Pretty gay. Also not helping with my desire to write fic where Miakis helps the Prince crossdress (in Luserina's clothes, obviously) to hook up with Kyle.
...Sialeeds! Nooooooo!
And to finish, I just got Rahal and Roog, and now my life is complete.
video games,
teh homogay