
Jul 30, 2008 00:05

So I was like the last person in the world to see the finale!

First of all, vaguely disappointing things - What happened to freaking Azula? Is she in jail? In a psych ward? Also, why didn't Ty Lee get to be in the last scene? And why didn't Toph get any character resolution re: her parents?

...But other than that, PERFECT. FUCKING YEAH. AWRIGHT.

I was so worried that Aang would kill Ozai. In hindsight, that would have been much too depressing for the overall tone of the series. But still. When he just took his bending I was like XD! And that was pretty much the expression I had on my face for the entire thing. There were just so many perfect things I can't even express them all. Especially when Aang and Katara smoochied. WHOO YEAH.

I love the scene with Azula and her mom as like her tiny voice of sanity. Maybe she's not a hopeless case after all! Go Azula! ...Perhaps become moderately less sociopathic...?

I'm sorry, Mai. Nothing in the world can convince me that your boyfriend is not gay. Maybe he won't break up with you, but in a few years, you guys will have a mutually agreed apon parting. Then maybe you will hook up with Ty Lee. I mean, um, of course you won't... look! A distraction!

I really wish we could have seen Gran Gran and Jeong Jeong meeting again and getting married. Everything with the OWL was so cool. "All old people know each other!" True dat.


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