Politics are boring, kissing is awesome

Jun 04, 2008 11:07

It's been a while!

Sooooooo I guess Obama's going to be the Democratic nominee in Ye Olde USA. Not that this is surprising at this point.

On the one hand, I'm pretty psyched that there's gonna be a black/biracial president (I have a very difficult time believing McCain can possibly win this election no matter what dirty tricks the Republicans have up their sleeves.) On the other hand, there has been SOOOOO much sexism directed towards Hillary Clinton during this campaign. And it's come from Obama supporters as much as every other place. And while Hillary Clinton is a total hawk and I'm not cool with that, I have been hurt and disgusted by the way she has been treated, and it just kills me when I think of all the gloating going on because she lost the nomination.

(Note: this is not to say that there has not been racism directed towards Obama, including some coming from Clinton supporters. But he's at least got the nomination to show for it.)


First woman president, or first black president? Is just a dumb question. As a wise English teacher once said, "why not both?" And so I plan on moving to an alternate dimention where Michelle Obama is the Democratic nominee. You guys should come too. It'll be sweet!

real life, politics

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