Mar 26, 2008 11:37

Q: So, Rachel, are you writing a story for the Summer f/f bb_shousetsu?
A: I sure am!

Q: What's it about?
A: It's a sci-fi story about a human ambassador to a hive of bee-people. And she meets the queen of the hive.

Q: And they have sex?
A: Of course! I kind of cheated on my last f/f submission, so this time I'm going to try harder and write something more graphic-

Q: Wait a minute. Didn't you write a story last year about a dude getting fucked by a giant spider?
A: Well, that was actually supposed to sort of be a dream sequence, but yes.

Q: So do you have some sort of fucked up insect/arachnid fetish?
A: ...Um, no comment?

Q: For the love of god, woman, what's next? Earthworms?
A: Shut up! Don't judge me!

Q: You have serious problems.
A: ...Yeah...

(In other words, hi, Easter is over and now I have to worry about Exams. I'm in kind of a weird place mentally right now. What's new with you, friendslist?)

writing, teh homogay

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