Oh man

Dec 09, 2007 19:32

I found a website with like all the anime theme songs I liked but never got a chance to download! Oh man. ...Also I wrote something about Persona 3 again.


Fuuka has had a terrible headache all day. She can't remember what happened last night; she's sure she wasn't drinking, but everything beyond that... even club is beyond her today. She just can't wait to get back to the dorm and have some tea. That will help her calm down, and maybe with time she'll remember something.

"Hey, Fuuka!"

Finally she hears someone calling her and looks up.


Because it is Natsuki. She's wearing her street clothes, and some hoop earrings that Fuuka thinks are probably new since... since she moved away. She looks good, and happy. "Hi."

"Natsuki-chan! What are you doing here!?"

"I came to see you, duh!" Natsuki grins. "It's, like, a couple hours by train, so I even skipped school. But whatever, right? I'm here, so let's hang out!"

Fuuka nods. "Of course!" The dorm can wait. Whatever happened last night, it isn't as important as this.

They go for coffee and talk about what's happened since they last saw each other. They haven't been texting as much recently, but Fuuka has kept up enough to know that Natsuki's dad isn't out of hospital yet, but he's doing better, and they're doing okay for money now. Fuuka talks a little about schoolwork and how she's thinking about moving back in with her parents. It's so good to talk to Natsuki again. Hearing her laugh makes Fuuka feel warm inside.

It gets dark, and the coffee shop closes, so they head outside. Natsuki checks her cellphone. "No messages. Hah."



Fuuka looks down at the pavement, feeling somewhat anxious. "Natsuki-chan," she says, finally. "Why did you come and see me today?"

"I..." Natuski shrugs her shoulders, and her curls bounce against her neck. "I don't really know, actually. But, uh, I remember last night, all of a sudden, I got this feeling... like, that you were in trouble. So I just wanted to come and see that you were doing okay." She laughs a little. "Sounds pretty stupid, right?"

Fuuka shakes her head. "Of course not! I... I'm happy that you would come and see me." She smiles. "I miss you, you know."

"Fuuka..." Without warning, Natsuki takes her hand in hers. "I..." And then all of a sudden she lets go to wrap her arms around Fuuka in a hug, and Fuuka can't do anything but hug Natsuki back, pressing her face into the crook of Natsuki's neck to hide the fact that she's blushing.

"Why," she says, slightly muffled, "why don't you, um, stay at the dorm tonight? Since it's so late."

Natsuki's arms relax, but she still doesn't let go. "...Yeah," she says softly. Fuuka can feel her jaw moving as she speaks, and the thought of it makes her shiver. "Yeah. Why not?"

video games, fic, persona

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