FFXII again

Apr 10, 2007 19:40

I promised myself I wouldn't forget about this game just because I'm playing XIII. So far, so good.

The first time she wears it in public is at a small official ceremony held in early autumn of that year. The plates, which had been dull with age, have been polished, and they shine with all the light of the autumn sky. When she appears shortly before the ceremony, helmet tucked under her arm, there is some general confusion.

"Your Majesty," says someone, a minister whose name she cannot recall, "That is - Prince Rassler's-"

"I must apologize," says Ashe smoothly. The words come easily to her, although she has not rehearsed them. "Rest assured that I am not mad. I merely wish to honour the fallen." She smiles. "Indulge your Queen in her wishes?"

There are no further voices of objection. From then on she wears it sporadically, as another might a rare and precious gemstone.

She does indeed wish to honour the fallen. But the truth is that she wears it simply because, when she wears the armour, it feels like his arms around her once more.

final fantasy, video games

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