Jun 26, 2006 17:44

I JUST GOT FLAMED! And it was for 13. The completely non-controversial, pleasant, clearly labled Lee/Sakura fic. ...How can anyone hate Lee/Sakura?

Today, in the interests of studying for my History exam, I beat Shadow Hearts 3. No spoilers, I wasn't surprised by the ending (the good ending, incidently, anybody get the bad one? What was it like?). Overall the major flaw in this game was not being Shadow Hearts 2. But it was pretty great anyhow.

But why is the ending theme song rap? *Japanese* rap, even? Did I miss something? Not that the game is short on anachronisms, but you'd think it would be hard to go wrong in the music department. Apparently you'd be wrong. I just don't know.

shadow hearts, writing, video games, fandom, naruto

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