BL Oneshot Meme

Feb 06, 2006 11:34

I approve!

Bukiyou na Silent by Takanaga Hinako: Oh my goodness, cutest uke ever + so much consent = YES. Actually I think I accidently based my first b*b shousetsu story on this one-shot, but that's okay, right? The running internal monologue in this story is fantastic.

Nee, Sensei by Sakuragi Yaya: This one is awesome because it pulls a 180 on you, in that at first you definately think it's going to be at least midly non-con, and then it turns out it's the most awkward, mushy love story. And there is never actually any non-con *at all.* Oh Sakuragi-sensei, I love you! Never change!

Tomodachi Over by Arai Sachi: Why do I like this so much? It's not like I ever consider vague realism to be a good thing in BL. Maybe it's the art style; the artist draws profile almost exactly the same way I do, ie sort of crappily. Maybe it's the fact that they actually use a condom. Maybe it's just that I find everything about this story so sweet and charming. Whatever. It's awesome.

Every Single Oneshot Ever Written by Minase Masara: Oh, Minase-sensei. She's managed to pare a yaoi formula down to its most basic, emotionally manipulative core - love, misunderstanding, ANGST, reveal!, PORN - in a way that should probably make me angry, but doesn't, because it hits exactly my emotional reflex points. I wish everybody lived in Minase-sensei's world. It would be a world filled with forbidden love and consentual sex. Plus, her art is really fine, especially in colour.

Northmen by Shinano Oumi: ...You know, I don't actually remember much about this story, other than the fact that it's about Vikings. But the sole fact that it's about vikings instantly puts it in the top five.

This is pretty fortuitous, since I was already going to write up a post about my top five BL authors. Now if only I still had homogay icons.

teh homogay

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