The return of SHII

Jan 20, 2006 14:54

"No, listen, that's not how you do it!" Anastasia does her best to look threatening. This is difficult at the best of times, and impossible when she's wearing a yellow gown that resembles an upside-down cupcake. "It's the waltz! It's not supposed to be *sexy*! Geez!"

Lucia's gown is off-white and looks as though it has been spray painted onto her body. "Well, *sorry,*" she says, slightly miffed. "I can't help the way I dance!"

"Yes you can! We're supposed to be high society. How are we expected to mingle with the upper crust if you're dancing around looking like a," Anastasia coughs, "a, well, a fortune teller?"

Joachim sighs and adjusts his suit. It's a little too small, the rental place didn't actually have any in his size. "Both of you, calm down. Things will go fine."

"No they *won't!* I bet you don't know how to dance, either!"

"That's not true! I can dance!"

"Then prove it!"

Joachim proceeds to execute a sort of bump and grind routine that would be appropriate at a strip club. "There, see?"

Anastasia heaves a sigh that sounds far older than she is. "You two are hopeless," she said. "Here, Joachim, let me up!"

"What?" says Lucia, but Joachim obediently drops to his knees. This is a common request. Anastasia hitches up her dress and scrambles up his back to perch on his shoulders. "Got your balance?" he asks, slowly straightening up.

"Of course." Anastasia lifts her carriage, looking oddly regal despite being piggybacked by a professional wrestler. "Lucia, come here." Lucia complies. Anastasia leans over Joachim to position their arms. "Now, let's try this again," she says. "Joachim, you lead... and *one* two three *one* two three..."

And this is how they end up dancing at the ball: Joachim, Lucia, and Anastasia, dancing akwardly but with surprising agility as Anastasia guides them through the steps from her place on Joachim's shoulders, all three having too much fun to care about the weird looks they get.

This song is retardedly awesome. The drums alone are so pounding and hardcore they should be illegal.

(Yes, I'm home again today. My gums are still in immense pain.)


shadow hearts, fanwork

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