Some thoughts on the Gomery Report

Nov 02, 2005 22:29

I love how the Conservatives are trying to make this into such a big deal, like it's the straw that will break the Liberals' back forever, when the average person really doesn't care.

Well, it's not accurate to say they don't care. I mean, people are saddened, and angry, and a little more cynical about the government. They feel betrayed, it's just that it doesn't change anything. People will continue to support the Liberal party.

Why? Partially because it's been a decade since the actual events detailed in the Report. Most of the people involved have been retired, fired, or resigned, and Paul Martin (even if most people think he did have some knowledge of the Scandal) has been totally cleared. Partially because the Liberal party is going to pay the illegal funds back into the government coffers.

But mainly I think it's because the people of Canada feel secure with the Liberals. We know where we stand with them: they're corrupt, and we can only trust them to be untrustworthy. This has been drilled into us, mainly by Conservatives, so much that it no longer has the power to shock.

We know what happens in a Liberal Canada. We don't know what would happen in a Conservative Canada, but I think the majority of people (...outside of Alberta) genuinely believe that the country is going, for the most part, in the right direction. And who's taking us in that direction? The Liberals (and the NDP, of course.) The last thing we want is a government that will crack down on drugs and curtail minority rights. And no matter how hard the Conservatives try to bring themselves in line with national Canadian principles, it's not going to work; they just have too many grassroots politicians that have too much clout within the party.

The Liberals may not be perfect, but they're better than the alternatives. Canadians understand that perfectly well. So, like a woman with a cheating, carefree boyfriend, we will continue to forget about him when he's not there and enjoy his company when he is.




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