The Bleeding Heart Creed

Jan 16, 2005 13:13

I believe that no human life is inherently more important than any other.
I believe that doing bad things does not make you a bad person.
I believe that everyone should be treated with some measure of kindness and respect.
I believe that although violence is sometimes necessary, it is never right.
I believe that war is one of the world's greatest evils. Likewise, I believe that peace is one of the greatest goals to aspire to.
I believe that we should live in a world where no-one has to suffer.
I believe that there should always be a second chance.
I believe that even though some people are not redeemable, trying to help them anyway is one of the things that makes us human.
I believe that love should never be condemned.
I believe that we should help people even if the trouble they are in is their own fault.
I believe that no-one should have to stand alone.

I am a bleeding heart liberal. As long as fear and hate exist in the world, there will be people who become cynical and loose their compassion. Sometimes they are needed. But we are also needed, to stop them when they go too far, and to build the world slowly into a place where our ideals are reality.
I am proud of who I am. I will take the world into my heart and keep it there.


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