Heavy Duty Argument at school yesterday.

Jun 11, 2004 23:43

On of the more amusing moments: sodomy, as we used the word today, refers to anal sex. The word originated from Sodom and Gomorrah. Therefore, the people in Sodom and Gomorrah were all having anal sex.

By this same logic, since the word "cell" as we use it today refers to tiny organic building blocks, and it originated from monk's small living spaces, each one of us has millions of tiny monks living in our bodies! NOW YOU KNOW.

In conclusion, all argument on the point of homosexuality from a Christian standpoint is redundant, because you think I'm warping the words of the Bible to make excuses for my own sins and I think you're warping the intent of the Bible to make excuses for yours. You will never convince me that I am going to Hell. I will never convince you that gay is okay. Therefore, we have nothing to discuss!

Except maybe William Shatner as a rap star.


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