drabble: countdown | pjo/hoo, octavian

Sep 24, 2012 21:40

Title: Octavian
Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Summary: It's a simple matter of succession, really.
Notes: Almost-kinda-sorta late, but shush it's still Monday and Mondays suck. Plus it's hard to write Octavian when Anya keeps throwing crack Founding Fathers videos at you.

It wasn't that he particularly hated anyone. After all, it wasn't their fault if the vast majority of the legion had been born with the intelligence of a flea.

A knife flashed, and stuffing spilled free.

It wasn't really about proving himself, or living up to expectations, either. His ambitions ran much deeper than that.

The teddy bear landed flatly on a growing pile, and practiced fingers spread the cotton entrails.

It was about rights. His was a family descended from gods and emperors -- the first emperors. Rome belonged to him, and Octavian wouldn't rest until he had her.

fanworks // drabble // percy jackson, fanworks // drabble, fandom // percy jackson, post // countdown, character // pjo : hoo // octavian, fandom // pjo : heroes of olympus

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